Professional Development
Jacob Johnson, CLED
Executive Director, HEAL (Health Education Authority of LA)
Jacob Johnson is a Certified Louisiana Economic Developer and the Executive Director of HEAL (Health Education Authority of Louisiana). Heal promotes the health and medical education activities of various public and private institutions throughout the State of Louisiana.
Jacob has a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern University in Business Management. He also holds a Master's degree in Public Administration from Southern University.
Jacob's thoughts regarding the CLED Training Program:
"In my opinion, the CLED program is the benchmark for the State of Louisiana's local, state and federal officials and private entities within state. This certification provides a wealth of practical information, to include experienced application from industry professionals with specific subject matter expertise, which allows for a well-rounded experience for everyone involved. I highly recommend the "CLED Experience" for anyone interested in learning in-depth economic development information, industry's bests practices, while engaging their peers and individuals with proven successful track records."