Professional Development
Scot Byrd, CLED
Chief Administrative Officer, City of Gonzales
Mr. Byrd is a Certified Louisiana Economic Developer. He was Director of Economic Development for Pointe Coupee Parish for several years. He has been on the board of directors of LIDEA multiple times and was chairman of the professional development committee from 2011 until 2017.
As chairman of the professional development committee, Mr. Byrd founded and led five subcommittees which made Louisiana's economic development training program one of the most successful in the nation - existing curriculum, new curriculum, marketing & promotion, grants & funding, and partnership with other civic organizations.
Mr. Byrd has served on several boards and commissions related to economic development, including:
USDA State Resource Team
Advisory Panel for Capital Region Planning Commission's CEDS (Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy)
Region 20 Workforce Board
Zachary Taylor Parkway Commission
Pointe Coupee Planning & Zoning Commission
Chairman Rural Community Broadcasting Service
Project Manager, Louisiana Municipal Association's "Role of Elected Officials in Economic Development" 2015/2017
Mr. Byrd is Chief Administrative Officer for the City of Gonzales, responsible for city administration, finance, budgeting, planning and economic development.
Previously, he was Vice President of BBI Architects, providing planning services, real estate development, economic development consulting, and program management.
Mr. Byrd holds a degree in Business Data Processing and Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration.